Kim, A Simple Client-Server Chat Program

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Version 0.1.4

Kim is a simple chat program, allowing multiple clients to connect to a central chat server. It uses SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) to do screen, input, and network functions, and is cross-platform. So far I've only got it complied and tested on Linux (Redhat 9) and Windows XP, but I'll try to get other platforms checked as soon as I get a chance (and find someone willing to compile it on other platforms).

My primary motivation in writing this was to test using SDL_Net to do some simple network programming. I plan on documenting the code a lot better so others can follow how I did the network layer. I had a lot of problems when I first started trying to use the SDL_Net library. Of course, I'm not known for actually RTFMing before I start trying to use software, and that explains a lot.

Nothing fancy, but it did allow me to test my SDL_Net coding.

I hope you find it useful, instructive, or at least humorous.

I am writing this under the GPL license, so please do what you want to with what you find here.

Note: There is currently no security; this is not intended as a serious chat program, but as a exercise in me trying to get network programing to work right.


2004/01/11 - Version 0.1.4 done. Starting to look like it might be slightly usefull someday.

2004/01/08 - Registered on SourceForge. Kim is on it's way to becoming a real project. Of course, I've got to get all this uploaded onto SourceForge first...